
How to Write an Introduction That Keeps Readers Hooked

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The average user is exposed to a multitude of online content every day, so how can you grab their attention and prompt engagement? Knowing how to write an introduction paragraph that hooks your target audience is critical to success – and we can tell you everything you need to know about crafting attention-grabbing intros that capture, compel, and convert.

How to Write an Introduction – The Art of Writing Engaging Introductions

Regardless of what the introduction is for – it could be for a blog, landing page, academic writing for a research paper, a persuasive essay or a thesis statement; you should always consider what the purpose of your introduction is.

In your first sentence or two, you will want to set out the topic and main point you’re focusing on, but you’ll also need to incite your reader to scroll down and engage with the rest of your content. In essence, keep your reader interested with a compelling introduction!

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What will you deliver in your Essay, blog post, or landing page?

So, tell readers about the value you’ll deliver and give them a reason to continue reading your copy. It would be best to grab your reader’s attention from the get-go.

Users need to know that your content is worth engaging with no matter what you’re writing about, so tell them in the introduction paragraph!

The Importance of Hooking Your Readers from the Start

When the start of your article or blog post doesn’t captivate the reader, they won’t expect the rest of the content to be engaging either, which is why it’s vital to integrate outstanding introductions into every piece you publish.

Crafting Introductions That Keep Readers Engaged

A fabulous introduction paragraph delivers a lot in a few sentences, so you must be a talented wordsmith to grab a reader’s attention. Aim for short sentences and use your intro to tell readers why they need to engage with your content.

It can be beneficial to reference the topic you’re writing about in your essay introduction, but avoid simply reading the headline or giving a summarising article.

Instead, grab your reader’s attention by contextualising the topic and explaining its relevance to the user. Include the primary argument, which you will go into in more detail throughout the essay or blog post.

The Power of Storytelling in Introductions

Using your introduction to tell a story is a savvy way to keep readers engaged and compels users to continue reading. After all, we all want to know how a story ends!

From the opening to the last sentence, you should focus on engaging content, avoiding sweeping generalisations, and offering different perspectives and evidence to draw the readers in.

Storytelling is frequently used in speeches, as it’s a highly effective way of captivating an audience. You briefly set out the characters, settings, plot, and theme before using the rest of your content to develop the story.

One advantage of knowing how to write an introduction paragraph using storytelling is that you can take your reader on a journey and impart value along the way.

Suppose you’re writing an article about improving workplace productivity, for example. In that case, the ‘character’ in your story might be the reader if you’re writing in the second person, while the ‘setting’ might be their workplace, and the ‘plot’ is what inefficiencies they face and how they can be remedied.

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Writing Intriguing Openers: Tips and Tricks

Spark a user’s curiosity, and they’re sure to read on, so intriguing openers are a great way to boost engagement and ‘time spent on page metrics. To elevate your intros instantly, have a look at these simple tips and tricks:

  • Keep sentences short
  • Establish commonality with the reader
  • Make it relevant to the user so that they can relate it to their experiences.
  • Tell the reader what to do with words like, ‘Imagine…’, ‘Start…’, or ‘Visualise…’
  • Promise value (and deliver!)
  • Ask a question
  • Reveal an unknown fact

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Using Questions to Pique Your Readers’ Interest

When you’re learning to write an introduction that enthrals your target audience, don’t forget the impact a well-placed question can have. When you’re writing about SEO performance, for example, you could use your intro to ask the user:

  • What’s the easiest way to boost SEO rankings?
  • How can you get better results in less time?
  • Do you want to improve your SEO results?

Here, you’re referencing the topic you’re writing about. Still, you’re also making it relevant to the user and promising to deliver value with the implication that your content will answer the question you’re posing. Furthermore, you’re establishing commonality with the reader but setting out a question you have already asked yourself at some point.

By answering the question (even subconsciously), the reader engages with your content from the start and is compelled to continue reading.

The Role of Emotional Appeal in Introductions

By invoking emotion in your readers, you can make them feel strong, confident, and empowered – or anything you choose! Of course, everyone likes to feel positive emotions and to dispel negative emotions, which is why they will continue to engage with your content if you successfully use emotional appeals in your writing.

Please put your topic into a context that matters to the user regarding their emotions, and you will surely get their interest. For example:

‘Many managers feel unsure of their leadership skills, but there are easy ways to assert your role while strengthening workplace relationships.’

This sentence touches on the reader’s vulnerability and helps them to feel confident about improving their leadership performance. When incorporated into an essay introduction, the emotional appeal can be the hook that keeps your readers on the page.

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Creating a Strong First Impression with Your Introduction

You don’t have long to impress your readers, so use your introduction paragraph to be bold and original. Whether writing a personal blog or a company article, use an authentic branded voice to create a solid first impression that readers will remember.

Analysing and Improving Your Introductions

Knowing how to write an introduction isn’t easy, but it is a meaningful paragraph. A first paragraph or opening can be one of the trickiest elements to write, so don’t settle for your first attempt. As well as checking the spelling, grammar, and punctuation, read through your intro after you’ve completed the entire draft and ensure every word you write is relevant, engaging and compelling.

The Science of Attention-Grabbing Introductions

Regarding the question of ‘how to write an introduction,’ it is a mix of art and science, so be sure to incorporate both to maximise your impact. Using it’ll captivate and convert your reader in no time by establishing formulas and proven structures to formulate your intros, combined with artistic flair and creative wording. You’ll delight and convert your reader in no time.


As a leading authority on SEO, sales, and digital marketing, Guy Tomlinson has an impressive track record of boosting website traffic, generating leads, and increasing conversions. My mission is to educate and help those who are wanting to create a profitable online presence.