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Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant – 10 Amazing Hacks Engagement

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Social media has become a part of our lives and businesses are fully capitalising on its potential to connect with and engage their target audience.

As a Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant you will be specialising in the area of social media marketing, and it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve. You must employ effective strategies that will help your clients or customers enhance their social media presence and achieve immediate engagement.

Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant working on her laptop from a cafe

1. Harness Popular Topics and Hashtags to Boost Brand Visibility

One of the ways to increase brand visibility on social media is by leveraging popular topics and hashtags.

By staying up to date with the trends and incorporating hashtags into your social media posts you can capture the attention of your target audience and drive traffic towards your customers social media profiles.

Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant checking her social media campaign

2. Concentrate on the appropriate Social Media platforms

It is vital to focus your efforts on the social media platforms that’re most relevant to your audience. It’s better than attempting to have a presence on every social media platform, identify the platforms where their audience’s most active and engaged.

To illustrate if this consists of professionals LinkedIn may be the platform to prioritise. Conversely, if they are targeting millennials, Instagram and TikTok could prove more effective.

By concentrating on the platforms you can make the most of your time and resources while ensuring that your social media endeavours effectively reach their intended audience.

3. Repurpose Content for Broad Audience Reach

When you create content from scratch it can be both time-consuming and resource intensive. Instead, consider repurposing existing content to extend its reach to an audience and increase engagement.

Repurposing content involves taking existing materials or created content, like blog posts, videos or infographics and presenting them in formats or tailoring them for segments of the audience.

To maximise the lifespan of content and reach an audience consider repurposing it in formats. For instance, you can transform a blog post into a video or create a series of social media posts based on a video.

This way you can make creative content to keep followers interested, with valuable content while expanding their reach to new viewers.

4. Utilise Influencer Marketing

One effective strategy is to harness the power of influencers. As a Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant you can assist your customers in leveraging influencers to connect with their ideal audience and establish trust.

Identify influencers within your team, the industry or niche who have a following and align with their brand values.

Collaborate with these influencers to promote your products or services through sponsored posts or partnerships.

A company's products being sold by affiliate networks

5. Optimise Social Media profiles for maximum impact

Another crucial aspect is optimising social media profiles for impact. Creating an impression on platforms is key, to enhancing their visibility.

Ensure that the profiles are properly optimised by including information appealing visuals and maintaining branding across all platforms.

Make sure that their profiles are fully filled out including a profile picture, an engaging bio and relevant details, about them including relevant keywords.

6. Engage with your Customers Target Audience

Engaging with the right audience is crucial for building a social media presence as a Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant


Actively interact with comments, messages and mentions in a friendly manner. Encourage conversations by asking questions and seeking feedback from the audience.

Show interest in what the audience has to say and provide insights or solutions, to their questions or concerns.

By engaging with your audience you can create a community of followers who are more likely to share your content recommend your products or services and become loyal customers.

Step 7. Utilise Social Media automation tools

Managing social media accounts can be time-consuming. You can streamline the process and increase efficiency by using social media automation tools.

Tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer enable you to schedule posts track analytics and manage social media accounts from one platform.

Automation tools allow you to plan and schedule your customers social media posts in advance ensuring a presence on their platforms.

This allows you to allocate time towards aspects of their social media and email marketing like content creation.

Step 8. Monitor and Analyse Social Media Metrics

To gauge the effectiveness of your customers social media efforts and identify areas, for improvement it’s essential to monitor and analyse their social media metrics.

To track metrics such, as reach, engagement and conversions through third party tools like Google Analytics.

Regularly reviewing these metrics will help you identify patterns and understand what kind of content resonates with your audience. Based on this information you can adjust your social media strategy accordingly.

For instance if you notice that a specific type of content generates engagement it might be beneficial to create more of that content to keep your audience engaged.

website traffic words on wall with arrow showing more traffic

9. Keeping up with the latest trends

Keeping up with the evolving trends and features in media is crucial for a freelance social media specialist.

Staying updated allows you to incorporate the trends into your customers strategies effectively.

To achieve this consider subscribing to industry newsletters following thought leaders in the field of media and participating in webinars or conferences relevant to the topic.

Experimenting with features and strategies will help determine what works best for your customers’ audience.

10. Regularly conducting social media audits for your customers

A social media audit involves reviewing their presence and assessing the quality of their social media content analysing strategies and evaluating performance metrics.

During the audit process carefully assess their social media profiles, content effectiveness, engagement tactics and the overall success of their campaigns.

Optimising profiles

Identify areas that require enhancement, such as optimising profiles for visibility creating more captivating content to attract audiences attention or refining targeting strategies to reach the right audience.

By conducting social media audits you can offer insights and recommendations to enhance your customers online presence and be rewarded by fantastic results.

FAQs Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant

The Ideal Social Media Platforms for Small Businesses

Determining the platforms for businesses often hinges on the perfect audience. For B2B companies LinkedIn proves effective for lead generation. On the other hand Instagram and Facebook are choices for B2C businesses looking to enhance viewer involvement and increase brand visibility.

Mastering the Art of Freelance Social Media Management

To become a Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant and excel in social media marketing you’ll need to possess a combination of specialist knowledge and content creation skills, proficiency in data analytics and specialised knowledge in social media marketing.

Begin by enroling in courses or obtaining certifications to build up your portfolio. Then gain experience by offering discounted or pro bono social media freelancer services to friends or local businesses.

Determining Monthly Rates for Freelance Social Media Managers

The rates charged by Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultants can vary based on factors such as experience level, specialised expertise and project scope. On average rates typically range from £500 to £2,000, per month.

When determining your rates as a Freelance Social Media Marketing Consultant it’s important to consider expenses such, as social media advertising, content writing and influencer marketing.


Guy Tomlinson brings 15 years of SEO mastery and 20 years in sales and marketing to the table. Founder of a successful SEO agency and a seasoned speaker at industry events, Guy is passionate about turning clicks into customers. Subscribe for insider tips and strategies that deliver real results