Blog Content

Mastering the Art of Content Creation: How to write content that ranks

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Writing great content is essential for any website, whether a corporate website, an online store, or your blog. The art of content creation is an important skill to learn about if you want people to come to your website and engage with it. You need to create content that is interesting and easy to read. Your business strategy must involve a content creation process!

That means creating clear and concise content, yet complete with personality and emotion, to draw in your target audience and hopefully result in sales.

Content marketing is about creating relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

Let’s have a look at content creation for higher search positions (rankings)

Lady carrying out a content audit on his landing page

What is a content creation strategy?

A content creation strategy is part of an overall marketing strategy for creating word-based content that appeals to your target audience. This can include anything from developing and creating content for blog posts and articles to web page copy, product descriptions, social media posts, and more.

When done right, engaging content should be entertaining and informative, not just keyword-stuffed filler text. Your target audience would not keep reading if the content isn’t exciting, and that would result in no sales.

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Search Intent to hit the right target audience.

When you look at the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for a given keyword, take note of the types of pages and content ranked.

Think about why Google chose to rank those particular results. Are most of the top-ranking pages informational articles?

That indicates that users want to learn more about the topic or product. If there are mostly product pages, that may mean that users want to buy something related to the query.

Make informed decisions about your keyword choices

Once you understand why certain types of content perform better, you can create pages and posts that fit the same criteria. Use your keyword research to inform your decisions about topics and titles, then focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that answers users’ questions and solves them.

The potential buyer’s journey starts with entering a keyword, which needs to be on your web pages and blogs. If they have the right website, this could result in more search traffic!

For this reason, the art of content creation must teach you ideas for engaging content at the forefront of your marketing strategy and business success.

content is king

Informational Intent

Let’s begin with people who research the Internet for information. Whether it be about current weather, child education, or even SEO – users typically have a particular query they want answered or seek knowledge on a specific topic.

They will look at other websites and yours, so your content ideas must engage your potential customers. When it comes to informational intent, there is no limit!

Navigational Intent

Navigational Intent is the second kind of user search. When someone has this intention, they want to reach a particular website – like when people type in “Facebook” and head straight for that social media page.

Your site must appear if you expect visitors to search for your company name online! The desired outcome for your website content is to draw in potential customers.

Transactional Intent

Third on the list of search intents is transactional intent. Today, people prefer to shop online and browse websites to identify the best deal. Users display a transactional sense when they are determined to purchase at that moment.

Typically, this means they already know what item(s) they want, aiming for an immediate route toward the product page!

Commercial Intent

People intending near or distant future often take Interviews for their research. They ask themselves questions such as, “What is the best internal linking plug-in? and even “wonder which is the best overall SEO plug-in?

content marketing expertise

Optimise content for keywords

Keyword integration can make or break SEO content writing. It’s essential to use related keywords that indicate the context of your search and provide readers with relevant, original text that flows naturally within your article.

Create content with excellent conversion rates and use videos and images to make the post more valuable. And an essential factor for more traffic is that it is up-to-date and relevant.

Avoid stuffing keywords: it will give off a negative impression of your work and look like filler rather than meaningful information. It is an art form and one that you need to learn.

Keyword Placement

Strategically utilising keywords throughout your content is known as keyword placement. This guarantees that search engines recognise and will most likely index the most relevant terms so visitors can easily find your page in their results.

Not only does this drive more people to your website – but it also aids in reducing the bounce rate (visitors not clicking through other pages of your site and bouncing away), creating a more engaged audience who are likely to return for future visits!

Keyword Density

When talking about keyword density, we refer to the number of times any keyword is repeated on the page or in the code. Repeating the keyword (density) shows the search engines the page is essential for that keyword; however, too many times, it will be “keyword stuffed” and is”detrimental to search rankings” as the search engines know you have “stuffed” keywords for this reason.

Make your content naturally written; your customers will soon get bored with repetitive keywords. Your blog, article, or web page must attract potential customers to create excellent content.

Excellent content writing starts with understanding your audience and what they want from you. Once you know that information, it’s time to start writing!

Spice Up Your Content Game: The Essentials

The Scan Factor: Keep it Light and Breezy

Just picture you’ve got your favourite snack, and you’re surfing the web. Do you want to see a wall of text? No, I didn’t think so. Make it a breeze for your readers to find the gems by breaking your content into easy-to-digest chunks. Use headers and sub-headers to guide the route. Think of them as breadcrumbs that lead to the good stuff, whether a compelling tale, a new framework, or innovative insights.

Chit-chat: Be Natural, Be You

Let’s not beat around the bush. Your writing should feel like a heart-to-heart with a good mate. Strip away the stiff upper lip and roll with a conversational tone. Why? Because it engages, engaged folks are more likely to buy into what you’re saying.

The Balancing Act: Quality and SEO Harmony

Alright, listen up! Do you want your writing to be the bee’s knees and SEO-friendly? It’s not an either-or situation. Lay down your keywords naturally in the text, but don’t crowbar them in. You’re not just ticking boxes here; you’re serving up valuable info with a side of SEO.

Eyes on the Prize: Proof Before You Post

Here’s the low-down, typos are like stains on a white shirt. They’re glaringly obvious and make you look a bit careless. So, please do yourself a favour and proofread it, as your reputation depends on it. Because, guess what? It does.

Show, Don’t Just Tell: Quality Media

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a pixelated one is probably worth two, and not in a good way. The same goes for videos. Crisp and clear is the way to go if you want to be taken seriously.

Break it Down: Bullet Points for the Win.

Remember those revision cards you made for exams? Bullet points are their digital cousins. They help to chunk down information into bite-sized pieces that even the most distracted reader can consume.

By focusing on these essentials, you’re not just throwing words onto a web page but constructing a content masterpiece. One that not only looks and sounds good but does business.

The art of content creation – Our Conclusion

Writing web pages or blog post content isn’t always necessary; it takes practice before you get good at it!

However, once you hone your craft, you can create engaging content that speaks directly to your audience, essential for getting people interested in your offer.


As a leading authority on SEO, sales, and digital marketing, Guy Tomlinson has an impressive track record of boosting website traffic, generating leads, and increasing conversions. My mission is to educate and help those who are wanting to create a profitable online presence.