
10 Game-Changing Methods for Making Money from Websites 

Making Money from Websites banner image showing man with earnings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon Affiliate Associate links, through which I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I genuinely believe in. Visit my Privacy Policy page for more information.

1. The Growing Trend of Making Money from Websites

The evolution and potential of making some money from websites.
Have you ever daydreamed about making easy money from a website while kicking back in your favourite chair and sipping freshly brewed coffee? Well, it’s not just fantasy. With websites, this dream is becoming more commonplace than you’d think.

Imagine today’s websites are like stalls in a sprawling digital bazaar. But instead of physically staffing your booth and shouting out deals, you’re at home, maybe even in your comfy PJs, letting your digital stall do the talking. Intriguing, right?

I am also exploring the diverse ways to generate and make money online.
Here’s a fun thought: Why do you visit your go-to websites? Seeking news? A bit of entertainment? To learn something cool? Now, here’s the kicker: every time you indulge, there’s someone out there potentially earning from your clicks. And when you multiply those clicks by, say, a million? That’s a nice little nest egg!

The significance of having your website in today’s digital landscape.
So, why is this whole ‘money-making from websites’ concept blowing up? Remember when people went nuts collecting stamps or baseball cards? Websites are the modern-day equivalent. But instead of swapping them on the playground, you’re turning them into passive income streams.

You might wonder, “Hold up, does my weekly spiral into watching food recipe videos help someone earn or make money online?” Bingo! But it’s not just about those mouthwatering chocolate cakes or crispy fries. It’s a symphony of content and demand, where creators meet consumers in a mutually beneficial dance.

Eager to get to the nitty-gritty? Let’s embark on this journey into making money from websites. Trust me, it’s an adventure worth every pixel!

2. Affiliate Marketing: How to Earn a Commission by Promoting an Affiliate Link

What is affiliate marketing and the importance of the affiliate link?
Have you ever been to a film because a friend wouldn’t stop raving about it? And then it turned out to be AMAZING? Imagine if that friend got paid every time they convinced someone to watch that film. That’s the unique affiliate link marketing in a nutshell.

You recommend something (through your affiliate program or link), and when someone purchases because of your recommendation, cha-ching! You earn a commission. Simple, right? It’s like being that friend with excellent film recommendations; you only get a piece of the ticket sales now.

It is finding the right affiliate programs.
Now, here’s the catch. Not every film (or product) is a blockbuster hit. So, how do you find the right one to promote? It’s a bit like matchmaking. You’ve got to pair the right product with the right audience. And just like any relationship, trust is vital. If you recommend something just for the money, and it turns out to be a dud, your friends (or followers) might not be thrilled.

Tips for embedding your link effectively.
Ready to place your affiliate link in the wild, vast world of the Internet? Great! But here’s a tip: don’t just slap it anywhere. Context is king. If you’re talking about the latest gardening tools, that’s where your link should be, not in a random post about space exploration. And always, always let your audience know it’s an affiliate link. Honesty goes a long way.

Also, don’t just hide it amidst a sea of text. Make it stand out. Perhaps a call to action? Like, “Want to check out this game-changing gardening tool? Here’s the link!” It’s all about making your affiliate link inviting but not pushy.

3. Google Adsense and Selling Ad Space: How to Get Paid for Displaying Ads

Understanding the Basics of Adsense.

Remember when you’d walk down a street and see those vibrant billboards? Think of Google Adsense as the digital counterpart of those billboards, but here’s the twist: instead of paying for the ad space, you’re making more money than online just by providing a spot!

At its core, Adsense is a matchmaking service, but for ads. It pairs your website with advertisers looking for space. You offer up some real estate on your site, you sell ad space directly, and in return, every time someone interacts with that ad, you earn a bit.

Setting up Google Adsense on your site.

If you’ve got your website already, half the battle’s won! Getting started with Adsense is like setting up a new coffee machine. A few tweaks here, a connection there, and voilà! You’re brewing.

After signing up, you’ll get a unique code. Place this on your website, decide where the ads appear, and let Google handle the rest. They’ll analyse your content your audience, and serve relevant ads. So, if you’re running a blog about hiking, don’t be surprised to see ads for hiking boots or trail mix.

Maximising your earnings: Placement and content matter.

Like in the advertising space and real estate, location is everything in the world of Adsense. Place your ads where they can be seen but without overshadowing your content. Maybe at the beginning of an article? Or nestled between sections?

But remember, while ads can bring in cash, your content attracts visitors in the first place. So, keep churning out stellar content; the ads will be the cherry on top.

4. Sponsored Posts: Money by Writing About a Product

Grasping the Concept of Sponsored Posts.
You know those sponsored segments you see on TV shows where they subtly (or not-so-subtly) promote a product? Sponsored posts work similarly. Picture this: you’ve got a blog or a platform, and businesses are like, “Hey, can we talk about our new eco-friendly training shoes on your site?” And for that space and endorsement, they’ll pay.

That’s you, making money with your unique voice and audience.

The Art of Crafting a Sponsored Post for Your Own Website.
Having your own site is like owning a trendy café in a bustling city. Businesses want a spot there amidst the buzz. When writing a sponsored post, think of it like introducing a new menu item in your café. You want to present it genuinely, highlighting its best features without sounding too salesy.

It’s crucial to strike a balance. Your readers trust you. So, while it’s okay to talk about the benefits of a product, it’s equally essential to be honest. If there’s something you’re not too keen on, it’s okay to mention it subtly. It adds authenticity.

Navigating the World of Partnerships and Payments.
Now, how do you land these sponsored gigs? Sometimes, brands might approach you, especially if your platform resonates with their product. But you can also be proactive. Reach out to brands you admire or affiliate networks that bridge the gap between bloggers and businesses.

As for payments, they can vary. Some might offer a fixed fee, others might provide affiliate commissions, and some might even offer their products for free. Whatever the arrangement, always ensure you’re fairly compensated for your space and effort.

5. Selling Products on Your Website: e-commerce Website Model

Unlocking the Potential of an E-commerce Website.
Ever imagined your own e-commerce website as being like a bustling marketplace, akin to those energetic street bazaars filled with unique finds? Except here, there’s no haggling or physical setup.

It’s all digital! Whether you’re peddling handcrafted jewellery, downloadable e-books, or maybe some funky merchandise, the online world is your marketplace.

From Window-Shopping to Check Out: Guiding Your Visitors.
Having an e-commerce section on your own site means you’re not just showcasing products; you’re narrating a story. Think of each product as a chapter. Got a unique handbag for sale? What’s its story?

Is it made from recycled materials, or perhaps it’s inspired by a recent fashion trend in Paris? Remember, people don’t just buy things; they buy stories and emotions.

Now, as for the technical stuff, how does a casual browser become a buyer? First impressions matter. Clear photos, concise descriptions, and, importantly, transparent prices. No one likes hidden costs sneaking up on them during checkout, right?

Amplifying Your Sales with Affiliate Links and Ads.
But wait, there’s more. Apart from selling your goodies, you can also boost your money in online marketplaces with strategic placements and affiliate links related to your products. Let’s say you’re selling workout gear.

Why not embed an affiliate link for a popular website builder, workout app, or nutrition guide? Double the earnings, double the fun!

Similarly, consider selling ad space on product pages that get high traffic. Brands related to your niche would love to sell ad space to grab some of that spotlight. So, it’s a win-win. You get ad revenue, you make money, and they get visibility.

6. Subscription Models: How to Offer Premium Content for a Fee on Your Website

The Rise of the Paywall: Why Free Isn’t Always Better.
Remember those exclusive clubs or secret societies in movies where only members got the cool perks? Now, imagine turning parts of your own site into one of those coveted spaces.

Exciting. The idea behind a subscription model is to offer some content for free (to lure readers in) and then reserve the juiciest bits for those willing to pay a fee.

Crafting Irresistible Content That’s Worth Every Penny.
You might wonder, “Why would anyone pay when there’s so much free stuff online?” Well, think about that café downtown, which charges a bit more for its artisanal coffee.

People pay for the experience, the uniqueness. So, what unique brew can you offer?

Whether it’s an in-depth guide, exclusive interviews, or specialised tools, the key is to provide value that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Maybe it’s a series of e-books or perhaps webinars with industry experts? The point is, whatever is behind that paywall should have ways to make money while subscribers feel like they’re in an elite club.

Balancing Free and Premium: It’s All About Teasing and Pleasing.
Temptation is a game. You want to offer enough free content to keep readers engaged and about what they could get if they subscribe.

It’s like when Netflix shows the first episode of a series for free – they hook you in, and before you know it, you’re signing up to watch the rest.

Plus, always listen to your subscribers. Their feedback can guide what future premium content you should produce. After all, they’re paying, so their voice matters most!

7. Online Courses: Making Money by Creating and Selling Courses

The Digital Classroom – Where Passion Meets Profit.
Remember when learning meant sitting in a dull classroom, scribbling notes as the clock ticked agonisingly slowly? Fast-forward to today, and we’ve transformed our learning landscape.

Now, we can take online courses and learn from the comforts of our homes, in our pyjamas, sipping our favourite drinks. And guess what? If you have a particular skill or knowledge, you can teach and make money from it!

Crafting a Course That Resonates and Educates.
Let’s get real for a second. Creating an online course isn’t just about regurgitating information. It’s about packaging your expertise in a digestible and engaging format.

Think of it like this: Instead of just giving someone a fish, you’re teaching them how to fish… and they’re willing to pay for that skill.

Start by identifying what you’re good at. Maybe you’re a wizard SEO, a maestro in the kitchen, or you’ve cracked the code for effective meditation. Whatever it is, there’s likely an audience hungry to learn.

Your course structure is crucial. Break it down into modules, chapters, or sessions. Ensure there’s a logical flow, much like chapters in a book. And don’t forget to engage! Use quizzes, and infographics, and maybe even throw in some interactive assignments.

Marketing Your Course on Your Website.
So you’ve created this fantastic course, but how do you get the word out? Your own site or online course platform can be your stage. Use compelling visuals, gripping course descriptions, and perhaps a few teasers or free modules to hook potential students.

Consider adding affiliate links to tools or books that complement your course. It’s added value for your students and an extra revenue stream for you. And, if you’ve previously dabbled with Google Adsense, promoting your course or affiliate program there could give it the visibility boost it needs.

8. Membership Sites: How to Set Up a Membership Model on Your Website

The Exclusive Club of the Digital Age.
You know those swanky clubs with a velvet rope where only the elite members can get in? Now, transport that concept to the digital world. Having a membership-type website is like owning an elite digital club.

A place where people pay a monthly fee or annually to get access to exclusive content, perks, or a community. The allure? Exclusivity and the feeling of being part of something special.

What Makes a Membership Website Tick?
The secret sauce of a successful membership website isn’t just about content. It’s about continually delivering value that’s worth the price of admission. Think of it like a TV show; viewers will stay hooked if every episode keeps improving, right?

Your content can range from in-depth articles, videos, and webinars to private chat rooms or forums. But here’s the kicker: consistency is key. Regular updates, fresh content, and listening to your members’ wants can make all the difference.

Promoting Your Membership on Your Website.
Your own social media marketing website can be the beacon, luring potential members. Consider offering a sneak peek, like a trailer, showcasing the kind of content they can expect.

Maybe even throw in a limited-time discount or a special offer to nudge them into joining.

Also, if you’ve been selling ad space on your site, perhaps it’s time to consider offering members ad-free experiences. And remember those affiliate links? Offer members exclusive discounts through your affiliates. It’s a win-win!

9. Digital Product Sales: Making Money Online by Selling E-books, Templates, and More

Billboards in the Digital Highway.
Remember driving down the highway and seeing those massive billboards promoting the latest car or perfume? Now, think of more traffic to your website like that highway; the ads you display are those billboards. Every visitor cruising along your site is a potential customer for advertisers, and they’re willing to pay to attract their attention.

How to Attract Advertisers to Your Digital Plot.
Here’s the deal: advertisers are attracted to websites with traffic, engagement, and a relevant audience. It’s like shopping in a busy mall versus a deserted street. So, what makes your own website the go-to spot?

Quality content, regular updates, organic traffic, and a loyal readership. The more niche and engaged your audience, the more your ad space becomes. If your site is about organic gardening, a fertiliser brand would probably pay a premium to display its ad there.

Pricing and Positioning: The Delicate Balance.
Deciding how to price your ad space can be tricky. Charge too much, and advertisers might walk away. Charge too little, and you’re selling yourself short. Research, know your worth, and don’t be afraid to negotiate.

As for positioning, not all spots on your website are created equal. Those prime locations are your premium slots, like the top of your homepage or embedded within popular articles.

Oh, and don’t forget about Google Adsense. It’s like the matchmaker between websites, search engines, and advertisers. By embedding their code on your site, you can display relevant ads and get paid per click. Magic, right?

How to Increase Website Traffic a few tips from the experts

10. Drop-shipping: Effortless E-commerce Without the Inventory Hassle

Your Virtual Store Front Without The Stockroom.
Imagine having a whole online store where you showcase many products but don’t need to maintain an inventory or even handle the shipping. Sounds dreamy, right? Welcome to the world of drop-shipping, a unique e-commerce model where you act as the go-between between the customer’s online store and the supplier.

Setting Up Your Drop-shipping E-commerce Store on Your Website.
So, how does it work? You set up an e-commerce platform on your website, list products from various suppliers, and forward that order to the actual supplier when a customer places an order. They handle the stock and shipping, sell physical products, and pocket the price difference. Cool, huh?

The key here is to choose products that resonate with your audience and are in demand. If your website is about sustainable living, eco-friendly products might be a hit. Always ensure the supplier’s digital products you partner with are reputable and reliable.

Marketing and Customer Service: The Heartbeat of Drop-shipping.
While you don’t deal with inventory, you’ll spend most of your energy on marketing. Showcasing products, running promotions, and ensuring your affiliate links are strategically placed can make all the difference.

Remember, just because you’re not handling the physical products doesn’t mean you can skimp on customer service. It’s YOUR brand, after all. If a customer has an issue with a product or shipping, they’ll contact you. Handling these issues gracefully can cement your reputation as a trustworthy seller.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much traffic does my website need to start making money online?

The website traffic needed to start making money from a website largely depends on your monetisation strategy. For instance, affiliate money often requires quality traffic more than quantity. With even a moderate number of site visitors, you can earn decent commissions using your unique affiliate link if they’re engaged and trust your recommendations. Conversely, strategies like banner ads or ad networks often need larger traffic volumes to generate substantial revenue.

2. Can I monetise my portfolio website, or is it just for e-commerce sites?

Absolutely! While e-commerce sites have a direct approach to monetisation by selling physical products, a portfolio website can also generate income. For instance, you can offer premium content, showcase digital products for sale, or even utilise sponsored content. Website owners of all kinds can capitalise on their unique content and audience.

3. What’s the difference between selling digital products and having a membership site?

Great question! Selling digital products usually involves one-off transactions where customers buy and download a product, be it an e-book, software, or an online course. On the other hand, a membership site is based on a subscription business model. Members pay a recurring fee to access exclusive content, tools, or resources. While both strategies can generate revenue, the key is to pick what aligns best with your online business’s offerings and your audience’s preferences.

4. How do the affiliate network and marketing work, and is it different from banner ads?

Affiliate marketing works by promoting products or services of other companies. When someone purchases through your unique link, you earn a commission. It’s about building trust and offering genuine product recommendations to your readers. Banner adverts, in contrast, are visual advertisements displayed on your web pages. Ad networks or an ad network typically manage them, and you earn based on impressions or clicks. While both can be lucrative, affiliate marketing often require a more engaged audience, whereas banner adverts are more about the number of website visitors.

5. How can I increase organic traffic to my website to enhance my monetisation strategy?

Boosting organic traffic is pivotal for any online business. Implementing solid digital marketing and social media marketing strategies is essential. Ensure your WordPress website or any platform you use is customised, consistently produce quality content, and engage with your audience on social media platforms. Collaborations, guest posts, and engaging in online communities relevant to your niche can also drive more traffic.

6. I’ve heard about money blogging. How does it differ from having an online store?

Money blogging is about generating revenue primarily through content. Bloggers often use affiliate networks, display banner adverts, write sponsored posts, or even accept donations. The primary asset is the content they produce. In contrast, online stores or other e-commerce platforms are primarily about selling products, be they physical or digital. While content can support sales through product descriptions, reviews, or blogs, the primary focus is on the product.


Guy Tomlinson brings 15 years of SEO mastery and 20 years in sales and marketing to the table. Founder of a successful SEO agency and a seasoned speaker at industry events, Guy is passionate about turning clicks into customers. Subscribe for insider tips and strategies that deliver real results